Navigating Lead & Prospect Activity in Aimbase

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Class is in Session: Navigating Lead & Prospect Activity in Aimbase

Hosted by: Alison Bachman, Senior Account Executive

Leads Dashboard 

  • The dashboard at a glance provides details on:
    1. Daily/Monthly lead volume 
    2. Dealer Lead Response Time 
    3. Lead volume based on Lead Type, Lead Source and Lead Category
  • The rolling 12-month lead activity gives a great view of how your brand is pacing within the month and how your leads compare to the same time 12 months ago. When you notice dips or increases in lead volume YOY, it is very easy to go into reporting and pull lead counts for that period to understand what could be driving the increase/decrease in leads.
  • Dealer Response Activity gives a quick look at how your dealers are viewing your leads by providing the average response time
    1. The Lead view is triggered based on the contact clicking view lead within email, going into Aimbase and viewing lead, or by a dealer viewing the lead in their CRM if an integration has been set up
  • Lead Types & Sources 
    1. Type – The composition of a brand’s leads by unique lead type such as Request a Quote, Brochure, Configurator leads etc. This section shows you which lead activity is driving the most leads. 
    2. Source – Lead Source displays where the lead is coming from, such as an organic lead versus leads from a digital media source

Lead Grid

  • The Lead Grid shows the brand’s leads as they are delivered into Aimbase in real time. The columns provide detailed information for each lead such as lead date, source, score, viewed, dealer, etc. This grid view can be customized based on how a brand wants to view its data
  • Utilize the Filter on the left to view a certain segment of leads. A few ways to filter leads include:
    1. Lead view status “Yes/No”
    2. Leads from a particular source such as a paid digital media campaign.
    3. Lead Types such as “Event Leads” if your brand has just completed an event where lead data was collected.
  • Lead grid data can be exported by clicking “Export”
  • “Create“ allows you to manually enter a lead. A good use case scenario would be if a factory rep or Regional Sales Manager had a phone call lead, it’s a great practice to get those leads into the system to be nurtured and into the brand’s database for further marketing

Lead Detail Page

  • The Lead Detail page allows brands to see all the contact and lead details for a specific lead such as:
    1. Lead type
    2. Lead source 
    3. Lead status 
    4. Dealer 
    5. Time frame to buy 
    6. Lead score
    7. Website activity 
    8. Prospect comments
  • Pre-qualify the lead! Click to view the prospects address in google maps to get a better idea of who the prospect is. 
  • “Edit” – The edit feature is used to manually keep track of steps taken with the lead regarding contacted and level of interest 
  • “Send Lead” – Aimbase users can send leads to a dealer contact that isn’t normally cc’d on leads 
  • Reassign Lead by dealer location and enter a note to send to the dealer  
  • “Lead History” – shows activity taken on lead, such as moving from pending to viewed, CRM integrations, etc.
  • Time Spent on Site/Page Views - gives the brand or dealer a stronger idea on the interest of the prospect.  Before the brand or dealer reaches out, review this data to get a good idea of product of interest. 

Prospect Timeline 

  • The Prospect’s timeline is a great tool for diving deeper into the prospect’s interests. You can see which website pages are regularly returned to, how often emails are engaged with, and when the prospect is scheduled to receive upcoming emails.

Prospect Score

  • Shows the complete view of the prospects score and how it increases or decreases overtime. Lead, email and website activities are all scored and points are accumulated to drive the prospect score.