Nurturing prospects based on web activity

Discover strategies for how to nurture prospects based on their online behavior and maximize lead generation.


In the competitive landscape of high-dollar product sales, where the stakes are as substantial as the products themselves, lead generation and conversion are the lifeblood of success. The difference between a browser and a buyer often hinges on timely and targeted engagement. With the help of our behavioral nurture programs, your digital marketing strategy can now be as sophisticated and tailored as the products you craft. By meticulously tracking and interpreting web activity — including which products are viewed, page category interest, specific page names, and URL parameters — Aimbase doesn’t just capture leads; it captures intent. In this article, you will learn how to create a behavioral nurture program in Aimbase that turns prospect web activity into actionable insights for more effective lead nurturing and conversion.


Strategic Engagement - Why Is It Important?

Behavioral Relevance: By sending emails that reflect the products and categories viewed by the prospect, your brand stays relevant and top of mind, nurturing the lead with information that matters most to them.

Conversion-Focused Timing: Understanding the exact moment when a prospect shows peak interest means you can reach out when your product is already on their mind, greatly increasing the likelihood of progressing from interest to inquiry.

Personalized User Experience: Beyond generic promotions, your communications will echo the unique journey each prospect takes through your site, making them feel understood and appreciated.

Streamlined Lead Management: Efficiency is critical, and this feature is about smart automation — delivering personalized engagement without overtaxing your sales teams, allowing them to focus on the most promising leads.


Segmenting Prospect Activity

Understanding why it's crucial to nurture customers based on their web activity sets the stage for how you can strategically branch prospects within your nurture programs. Each click, page view, and session duration paints a detailed picture of individual interests and purchasing intent. Armed with this knowledge, we can deftly segment our audience—creating personalized branches for specific products, categories, named pages, or distinct URL parameters. This segmentation ensures your communication is highly relevant, engaging customers at the apex of their interest and seamlessly guiding them along a tailored path that feels less like a generic sales pitch and more like a bespoke buying experience. Such targeted branches in our nurture programs don’t just follow up—they foster a conversation that naturally progresses toward the sale of your products. Below are available options for such customer-segmentation.


Page Name: By assigning names to webpages, you refine your segmentation to a granular level. This enables you to send highly personalized nurture emails based on very specific interests. For instance, visitors to your 'ThunderJet 450 Product Details Page' page are demonstrating an interest in your newly launched ThunderJet 450 product. Engage them with an email later that highlights the new model, providing details about features and advancements, and inviting them to a closer look or a pre-order conversation.


Page Category: Define webpage categories to understand and influence the broader interests of your audience. Grouping pages into categories like Financing, News, FAQs, Service, and Products allows you to observe patterns in your prospects' web activity. Tailor nurture emails to address these patterns; for example, send information on financing options to those who have spent time on your financing pages, thus providing valuable content that aligns with their interests.


Page Segment: Utilize the power of segmentation to craft targeted nurture paths for your prospects. By categorizing web page visits into segments like 'Mountain Bikes,' you can identify and engage with enthusiasts specifically interested in that segment. Engage these prospects with dedicated nurture emails about related topics, such as the launch of a cutting-edge mountain bike model, to keep their excitement peaked and guide them towards a purchase.


Product: When prospects visit specific product pages, this signals a clear interest. Leverage this data by sending them nurture emails that not only highlight the product they viewed but also include current promotions and detailed information. This approach ensures that the content of your emails is highly relevant and timed perfectly to coincide with their peak interest.


URL Parameters: Delve deeper into the nuances of web activity with webpage parameters such as campaign tags, referrers, or sources. These often-overlooked details are rich with insight and can dramatically enhance the personalization of your nurture paths. Marketers use these parameters for precise tracking and analysis, allowing them to measure the performance of each element of their campaigns. When a user clicks on a link containing these parameters, Aimbase will parse the URL to determine exactly how the user got to the site and what might have influenced their decision to click, helping marketers to optimize their efforts.

To further explain URL parameters, here is an example:

Here's the breakdown of these parameters:

  • Domain ( This specifies the domain from which the traffic came.
  • Event (event=winter_festival): This parameter signifies a specific event or promotion, which in this case is "winter_festival".
  • Medium (medium=social): This identifies the marketing medium used. In this case, "social" indicates that the medium is social media.
  • Campaign (campaign=Winter+Deals+2025): The campaign parameter is used to identify a specific strategic campaign. "Winter Deals 2025" might be a campaign running in the winter of the year 2025.
  • Referrer (ref=facebook_ad): The referrer indicates the source where the traffic originated from. Here, it's a "facebook_ad", meaning the user clicked on an ad placed on Facebook.
  • Term (term=boating+tips): The term or keywords associated with the ad or content that was clicked. In this case, it may have been an ad or post related to "boating tips". The + is a space character in URLs, as actual spaces are not allowed in URLs.
  • Content (content=sidebar_banner): This parameter can be used to differentiate between similar content or links that point to the same URL from the same campaign. For instance, "sidebar_banner" could be used to specify that the click came from a banner ad located on the sidebar of a website or within an app.


To begin building your own web activity behavior nurture program, see building instructions here.