Question Type Overview

Get an overview of the different types of questions, including examples of each.

This article outlines the question types available for advanced surveys created in Aimbase. We'll provide examples for each type, making it easy for you to choose the right questions for your survey needs. 


Radio Buttons (single choice)

Use radio buttons when you’d like respondents to choose a single response from a list of available options. Include an “other” option so respondents can enter their own answer.  

Checkboxes (multiple choice)

Use checkboxes when you’d like respondents to make multiple selections from a list of options. You can choose to allow a minimum and/or maximum number of selections, as well as include an “other” and/or “none of the above” options.

Dropdown menus allow respondents to choose a single option from an expandable list, and are especially useful for mobile surveys or when you need to display a long list of answer choices in a smaller space.

Multi-Line Free Text

Use multi-line free text questions to collect comments or free-form answers. You can style the text entry as plain text or use richer HTML formatting, and even set minimum and maximum character limits.

Single-Line Free Text

Use single-line text questions to collect short, free-text data like a respondent’s name or email. Use validation settings to ensure that information like email addresses, phone numbers, zip codes, etc. are in the proper format. You can even create your own auto-complete lists to cut down on data entry errors.

Custom Matrix Grid

Matrix questions allow you to combine questions of similar format into a single grid. This saves space, looks neater, and makes answering a large number of questions faster and easier for respondents. Aimbase matrix questions are fully customizable, allowing you to create as many rows and columns as you need. Columns can be radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, sliders, and open text.


Slider – images, text, or numbers

Slider questions allow respondents to click a choice or slide a bar to choose a custom image, text or numerical value. Sliders are a great option for market research questions, pain or satisfaction scales, or numerical questions with many options.


Star Rating

Star ratings allow your respondents to rate an item or experience visually by filling in a custom number of stars. You can also display the rating in a bar, line or box format.

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a standard market research tool that measures how likely a respondent is to recommend a product or service. Respondents choose a value from 0 to 10, and the NPS report places respondents in different categories based on the score and also calculates an overall NPS for the organization.