Bulk Lead Reassignment

As an OEM admin, one of the most important functions you can utilize from the Leads Grid is the bulk reassignment of leads. To use this function, click Actions toward the top of the grid (above the columns). The Actions function was built to allow OEMs to make changes to leads in bulk. 

The most common use for the Actions function occurs when a dealer leaves the selling network. When that occurs, you can isolate the leads previously assigned to the dealer and have the system either reassign all to a single replacement dealer or dynamically reassigned to whichever dealer is closest to each lead. From this feature you can also set the Follow-up status on a lead in bulk.  


Reassigning leads to different dealers: 


  1. Click on Actions; you’ll notice the page changes slightly but maintains a lot of the same features as the initial leads grid. Use the filters on the left to filter down to the data set you’d like to reassign. Click Run. 

  1. Once you’ve isolated the dataset you’d like to work with, you must check the box of each lead you’d like to reassign. If you choose to utilize the Select All function, please be aware that you are only checking the boxes of the leads visible on that page. If there are multiple pages worth of data, you will need to select each page individually. 

PRO TIP: Use the dropdown in the bottom-right corner of the screen to display more records at once (either 20, 50, or 100) to minimize the number of times you have to page through records to select all for reassignment. 

  1. Now that you’ve chosen the lead(s) you’d like to reassign, click Reassign Leads near the top of the grid. 

  1. A dialog box will appear with a series of questions that you’ll need to answer before clicking OK: 

  1. Reassign to nearest dealer?
    1. Answering No to this question will require you to enter a dealer into the field below: Dealer. Within the Dealer field you can search for a new dealer by either typing in a dealer’s name or the dealer number associated to it. 
    2. Answering Yes to this question means that each lead will be automatically reassigned to whichever active dealer is the next closest to the lead’s zip/postal code. * 
  2. Send lead notifications for the new dealer? 
    1. Answering No to this question means that when the lead is reassigned to the dealer, Aimbase will NOT send an email notification about the new lead (this assumes your install is setup to utilize these notifications). 
    2. Answering Yes to this question means that for every lead that is reassigned, Aimbase will send the new dealer a notification email about the new lead assigned to it. Be sure to use this option cautiously if you are assigning a large sum of leads to a single dealer, as answering Yes will result in that dealer receiving many emails at once.
  3. Send lead to integrated CRMs for the new dealer? - This question only applies if your install has 1 or more dealer CRMs enabled. If it does not, just choose No.  


*Lead routing rules may vary based upon how your install has been configured to route leads.