Understanding Information on the Emails Grid

The data on the Emails grid is helpful to understand when trying to locate an email to edit or publish for use. In this article, we'll explain what some of the most common columns on this grid mean, and how the information can be used while filtering or locating information about an email.

Name - This represents the name of the email. This value is displayed on other pages and report throughout Aimbase. When naming your email it is helpful to choose a name that indicates the intent or content within the email.

Email Type - This value is also found as a filter within email reports and across many other grids within Aimbase. An email's type indicates who the email is sent to and the use. For example, Campaign emails are used to send to external audiences (i.e. your customers or anyone you may put into a mailing list). Quite the opposite of that is the email type of Contact Marketing Notification. This type is specifically used for sending notification emails to dealers about leads and other prospect activity. 

The email type also indicates to Aimbase what dynamic values are able to be pulled into an email. An example of this is the difference between the types of Campaign and Lead Autoresponder. Both types allow you to pull in the recipients name, but only the Lead Autoresponder allows you to pull in the lead type for the recipient. Reason being, if a person is a receiving a Lead Autoresponder, they must have a lead type because the only way to trigger the email to be sent is by entering a lead. Campaign on the other hand can be sent to anyone you add to a list; therefore, he or she may not have ever entered a lead to reference a type in the email. 

There are many different email types, but not all of them may be visible to all users. For more explanation of the different types and their uses, click here.

Email Category - This indicates to Aimbase the rule set to utilize when determining if a contact should be sent an email or not. Transactional emails are sent to contacts as a confirmation of a transaction. Lead Autoresponder is considered Transactional, for example, because it is sent to the consumer as confirmation that you received their lead submission. Commercial, the other Email Category, indicates a more ad-hoc approach to sending an email. When an email is Commercial, Aimbase will reference internal values on a contact such as their Communication Opt In status (see Lead API documentation for how this is used) and their country code to determine of all compliance measures are taken into account before sending the email.

Subject - This is the subject of the email that the recipient sees when the email appears in his/her inbox. If you see other characters such as an @ symbol, var, or the word Attributes in this column, that indicates that the subject line has been setup to by dynamic based on logic set when it was created.

Published - The data displayed here will either be yes or no. An email must first be published before it can be scheduled/sent.

Unpublished Changes - This value will also always be yes or no. This is meant to indicate when there have been changes made to an email that were saved, but were not published. When this is the case, bear in mind that if you plan to send the email only the published version will send.

Domain - Will indicate which domain or subdomain will be used to send the email from. Rollick always recommends that you use a different domain when sending transactional emails versus commercial emails in an effort to protect your sending reputation and the overall deliverability of your commercial emails. If you're building an email to send for one reason or another, always reference an existing email of the same type to ensure you're choosing the correct domain.

 Active - This value will allow you to hide the email from the grid with the filters. This value also controls whether or not he email appears within other filters across Aimbase.

Date Created - Indicates when the email was created.

Date Updated - Indicates the last time the email was updated. This includes saves and publishes.

Create Account - Indicates which Aimbase user created the email.

Update Account - Indicates which Aimbase user last updated the email.

Publish Date - Indicates the date the email was last published. 

Email Version - Indicates which version of the email is currently published.